All medical specialties - OneDoc
- Acupressure therapist
- Acupuncture masseur
- Acupuncturist
- Adult remote emergency consultation
- Aeromedical examiner (AME)
- Aesthetic care specialist
- Aesthetic consultant
- Aesthetic medicine specialist
- Alexander Technique therapist
- Allergist (immunologist)
- Andrologist
- Anesthesiologist
- Angiologist
- Anthroposophic doctor
- Anthroposophic therapist
- Aromatherapist
- Art therapist
- Art therapist FD
- Audio-Psycho-Phonology therapist
- Audiologist
- Auriculotherapist
- Ayurveda massage therapist
- Ayurveda medicine therapist
- Ayurveda nutrition therapist
- Ayurveda phytotherapist
- Ayurveda therapist
- Bach flower remedies therapist
- Bio-energy therapist
- Biodynamic therapist
- Biofeedback therapist
- Bioresonance therapist
- Birth companion
- Blood donation
- Breathwork therapist
- COVID-19 testing center
- COVID-19 vaccination center
- Cardiologist
- Cardiothoracic surgeon
- Caycedian sophrologist
- Cervico-facial surgeon
- Chiropractor
- Classic massage therapist
- Coach
- Colonic hydrotherapist
- Color therapist
- Couples therapist
- Craniosacral therapist
- Craniosacral therapist with Federal Diploma
- Cryotherapist
- Cupping therapist
- Cytopathologist
- Dance therapist
- Dental hygienist
- Dental technician
- Dentist
- Dermatologist
- Dietitian
- EPR support
- Ear, nose & throat doctor (ENT)
- Electrotherapist
- Emergency medicine specialist
- Endocrinologist (incl. diabetes specialists)
- Endodontologist
- Energy rebalancing therapist
- Energy therapist
- Etiopathist
- Eye surgeon
- FOI therapist
- Fangotherapist
- Fasciatherapist
- Feldenkrais Method therapist
- Fetal cardiology specialist
- Flower therapist
- Flu vaccination center
- Gastroenterologist
- General practitioner (GP)
- Geneticist
- Geriatrician
- Gestalt therapist
- Hair transplant specialist
- Hand surgeon
- Head of clinic
- Hematologist
- Hepatologist
- Herbalism therapist
- Hippotherapist
- Homeopath
- Homeopath (unicist)
- Homeopath FD
- Hydrotherapist
- Hypnotherapist
- Infectious disease specialist
- Intensive care specialist
- Kinesiologist
- Leech therapist
- Light therapist
- MCO nutrition therapist
- MCO phytotherapist
- MCO/TEN naturopath
- MCO/TEN naturopath with FD
- Magnet therapist
- Manual lymphatic drainage therapist
- Manual medicine specialist
- Maternal medicine specialist
- Maternal-fetal medicine specialist
- Maxillofacial surgeon
- Medical hypnosis
- Medical laboratory
- Medical massage therapist
- Medical practice assistant
- Mental coach
- Mesotherapist
- Metamorphic massage therapist
- Microkinesitherapist
- Micronutrition specialist
- Midwife
- Monkeypox vaccination center
- Mountain medicine specialist
- Movement therapist
- Music therapist
- Neonatologist
- Nephrologist (kidney specialist)
- Neural therapy specialist
- Neuro-radiologist
- Neurofeedback therapist
- Neurologist (incl. headache specialists)
- Neuropathologist
- Neurosurgeon
- Nuclear medicine specialist
- Nurse practitioner
- Nutrition therapist
- Nutritionist doctor
- OB-GYN (obstetrician-gynecologist)
- Occupational medicine specialist
- Occupational therapist
- Oncologist
- Ophthalmologist
- Optician
- Optometrist
- Oral surgeon
- Ortho-Bionomy therapist
- Orthodontist
- Orthopaedic technician
- Orthopedic surgeon
- Orthopedist
- Orthoptist
- Osteopath
- Ozone therapist
- Paediatric rheumatologist
- Pain specialist
- Pain therapist
- Pediatric cardiologist
- Pediatric endocrinologist (incl. diabetes specialists)
- Pediatric infectious disease specialist
- Pediatric neurologist
- Pediatric physiotherapist
- Pediatric pneumology specialist
- Pediatric psychiatrist
- Pediatric psychologist
- Pediatric psychotherapist
- Pediatric remote emergency consultation
- Pediatric surgeon
- Pediatrician
- Periodontologist
- Pharmaceutical medicine specialist
- Pharmacy health services
- Phoniatrist
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist
- Physical trainer
- Physiotherapist
- Plastic & reconstructive surgeon
- Podiatrist
- Polarity therapist
- Postural Integration therapist
- Posturologist
- Practitioner in haptonomy
- Prenatal medicine specialist
- Proctologist
- Prophylaxis assistant
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist
- Psychologist/alternative medicine psychotherapist
- Psychomotricity therapist
- Psychosomatic medicine specialist
- Psychotherapeutic counselor
- Psychotherapist
- Psychotherapy coach
- Pulmonologist (lung doctor)
- Radiation oncologist
- Radiologist
- Rebalancing therapist
- Rebirth therapist
- Reflexochromy therapist
- Reflexology therapist
- Reiki practitioner
- Relaxation therapist
- Reproductive endocrinologist (IVF)
- Rheumatologist
- Rhythmologist
- Rolfing/Structural Integration therapist
- Senologist
- Sex therapist
- Sexologist
- Shiatsu therapist
- Sophrologist
- Specialist for laser medicine
- Specialist in addiction medicine
- Specialist in colorectal and robotic surgery
- Specialist in complementary medicine
- Specialist in general internal medicine
- Specialist in pediatric radiology
- Specialist in perinatology
- Specialist in perineal rehabilitation
- Specialist in sleep medicine
- Speech therapist
- Spinal balancing therapist
- Spine surgeon
- Sports medicine specialist
- Sports physiotherapist
- Sumathu therapist
- Surgeon
- TCM naturopath
- TCM naturopath with FD
- TCM nutrition therapist
- TCM phytotherapist
- Thai massage therapist
- Therapeutic massage therapist
- Thoracic surgeon
- Touch For Health therapist
- Toxicologist
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) specialist
- Traffic medicine specialist
- Trager therapist
- Traumatologist
- Travel and tropical medicine specialist
- Underwater and hyperbaric medicine specialist
- Urogynecologist
- Urologist
- Vaccination center
- Vascular specialist (phlebologist)
- Vascular surgeon
- Visceral surgeon
- Yoga-therapist
- Zootherapist